What is the evidence about bone health during menopause after 5 years of hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

Your patient weighs 150 pounds at age 60. Her last menstrual cycle occurred at age 51. She has been taking Premarin for hot flash control since the start of menopause. She is unsure if she should stop taking this medication because she is now more than 5 years into menopau


She is concerned about her bone health if she stops.

She is also concerned about the risk of cancer if she stays on it.

She has noticed an uptrend of her lipid levels over the past 2 years.

She is not certain the “cardiovascular (CV) protection” of the estrogen is still working.

What is the evidence about bone health during menopause after 5 years of hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

What about the continuation of HRT after 5 years of use?

What plan for care would you design for her that also includes her concerns about her lipid levels?

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