Ways the employees support the internal community and ways the employees support the greater community

Now it is time to look at your workplace or a company/agency where you strive to work.

Identify at least two ways the employees support the internal community (for instance, a company may encourage their employees to divide up the work of an ill coworker) and ways the employees support the greater community (local, national, or global).

For instance, the company might allow paid time off to volunteer at a specific organization. Hypothesize why the actions you have identified are essential to the company/agency.

Do those actions serve any internal or external need for the company?

Is there an alternative or additional opportunities for the employees to support the company and outside community?

Do these activities support organizational citizenship within the company? How?

Could the alternative or additional opportunities you identified better support organizational citizenship? How?

Identify at least three ways you, as the employee, could encourage others to participate in the identified activities.

How does your encouragement in these activities expand your company’s organizational citizenship, and how does the community perceive them?

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