Examine Assessments for Kindergarten Homework Help


Examine assessments for kindergarten-aged children or children aged 6–8 (primary).

• Then, choose a group of Preschool-age children for this assignment.

• Research and list four different assessments that could be used (one for each: formative, summative, informal and formal) and what these are used for (cognitive, emotional, linguistic, physical, and/or social development, emerging content knowledge, intervention, other).

• Review the Mental Measurements Yearbook and verify the information posted on use and validity and reliability or find research discussing this assessment’s use.

• Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each assessment, the validity and reliability of the formal instrument, and the data collected from these assessments A brief description of the following:

• What these individual assessments are used for (cognitive, emotional, linguistic, physical, and/or social developme​‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍​nt, intervention, other emerging content knowledge)

• The strengths and weaknesses of each assessment Then, discuss:

• The validity and reliability of the formal instrument

• The data collected from these assessments Finally, explain:

• How this information could be used to promote development, as well as guide teaching and learning

• How this information could be shared

• Why and how families could be a part of the assessment process

• How you know these assessments are DAP

• The differences between accommodations and modifications.

List ways you could modify these assessments for dual language learners and children with exceptionalities or children with identified disabilities or delays (one modification per assessment, using each group a minimum of one time).

Explain how you know these modifications are appropriate.

Note: Cite your research and provide appropriate references in APA form​‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍​at to substantiate your thinking.

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