Economics Discussion Questions

Does increased spending on redistributive social programs reduce economic growth?

Could the higher education bubble in the united states cause an economic collapse?

Should the US federal minimum wage be increased to $15? Will it?

Is the concept of income inequality controversial among economists? Is it widely accepted that income inequality is bad for the economy?

Is it worth the time for new students to economics to read Piketty?

What is the best way to to reverse inflation so that it doesnt ruin currency’s value(basically the opposite of what germany did after ww1 and the opposite of what Zimbabwe is doing now)

Thoughts on what the restaurant industry in the USA and globally, going to look like for the next few years after covid.

What is the affect on the economy when social norms change?

Are reparations feasible 2. if so, how could reparations be done, from a economic view?

What lessons can be learned from Japan’s „Lost decade“?

Trade deficits and surpluses. Good or bad? More complicated? Different perspectives? (Especially in the current USD regime)

How effective will the belt and road project be in keeping China economic growth high?

What caused Europe to develop so much faster than Africa?

What could be some of the economic effects if the U.S. forgave all student loan debt? do the costs out weight benefits?

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