Communications and Media Essay Help

Write a Comunications and Media Essay


Writing instructions

Must understand the following vocabulary to complete this assignment: Source, Author, Intended audience, Unintended audience, Demographics, Stereotype Analysis of the piece of media itself, not necessarily an analysis of the topic.

Please use the format below to complete this assignment.

The Source, (What company or person(s) published this media?)

The Medium, (print?, TV? internet? Radio? Etc…)

The Date that it was published or aired The Authors, (Who wrote it?)

Is it comprised of FACTS or OPINIONS?

What is the perspective/point of view of the writer?

Is it biased or objective?

Give a BRIEF description of the piece.

Is it considered news, entertainment, or advertising?

Who is the intended audience? (This is determined by the source.

For example, Men’s Fitness magazine has a different audience than does Latina Magazine)

Please research and discuss the demographics of that target audience including items such as; age, gender, economic status, political preference, education, ethnicity, etc.

This is factual data, not your opinion.

Does the piece promote positive communication (builds awareness, understanding, empathy, respect, etc.), or negative communication (contains moralistic or judgmental remarks, no room for other points of view, etc.)?

Please note that many times both can be present.

Give specific examples.

What stereotypes are seen in this piece of media?

Does it break down old stereotypes?

Does it create new stereotypes? Please explain in detail.

How might these media affect the way its audience feels/ thinks/ behaves?

How does it affect the way YOU think / feel / behave?

Please refer to my source:

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