Bloom’s Taxonomy and how it relates to counseling questions

Write a reflection paper on Bloom’s Taxonomy and how it relates to counseling questions. Use outside sources and make notes of open and closed questions. (Please let me know what sources you used and where you cited from)

An individual who progressively offers easy to moderate questions, reveals not only creativity, but also cognitive growth. This concept was introduced by University of Chicago professor Benjamin Bloom who believed that asking questions should exercise the thinking ability of a person allowing for broadened perceptions instead of limiting responses to facts and knowledge. According
to Bloom, the more challenging the questions, the more creative and imaginative a person becomes when responding. Bloom is famous for introducing the classification of questions in a progressive level of thinking. He developed six classifications of questioning skills that serve as guide in formulating questions.

Additional background on Bloom’s Classification of Questions: Source unknown.
From the lowest level of thinking skill, the kinds of questions progress to a higher level of thinking. The higher order level of questions is very appropriate for mature people who have the ability to formulate questions that require the cognitive function. His Six thinking skills are different categories of questions according to the increasing level of thinking are based on knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
According to Benjamin Bloom, knowledge is the lowest level of questions generally used for recalling, remembering, defining, and describing. People who gather information ask questions answerable by who, what, when, where, and how. We ask questions to recall and verify names of people, locations, and many other things.
Comprehension questions interpret understanding of the basic facts and ideas. In this level, the person provides opinions about what is being communicated and rephrases or paraphrases it in one’s own words. The various activities involved are discussion,explanation, interpretation, selection of facts and ideas, and creating outlines and diagrams.
Application questions elicit the use of abstracts, problem solving, and the use of facts, principles, and information to generate results. It requires the person to use information and put it into action or application. It is useful in activities such as illustration, solving, designing, constructing, inferences, demonstrating, manipulating and reporting.
On a progressive level of asking questions, analysis requires an individual to break down a large concept into itemized parts. When analyzing by asking you compare, sort, classify, investigate, make a survey, and debate. The highest level of questioning and thinking skill is evaluation. These questions create judgment and decisions about issues and provide resolutions to problems. The
use of higher order questioning (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) allows for a better discovery of new learning concepts and knowledge. Questions requiring personal viewpoints and inferences, improve our manner of thinking.

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