A 48-year-old man presents to the clinic with a 2 day history of fever and productive cough (sputum reported to be greenish).

A 48-year-old man presents to the clinic with a 2 day history of fever and productive cough (sputum reported to be greenish). His history includes mild hypertension and a half-pack per day smoking habit. He reports that he used to smoke one pack per day, but he has cut back. He is currently not taking medication for his high blood pressure because he did not like the adverse reactions. No other family members are ill, but “something is going around” at work. Assessment On physical examination, George is pale and ill appearing, but able to ambulate into the examination room and onto the table without assistance. His oral temperature is 100.9°F, and his blood pressure is 135/82 mm Hg. Decreased breath sounds in the left lower lobe with scattered crackles are observed. A chest x-ray reveals a consolidation in the left lower lobe. What would be the initial management plan? What education should the patient receive?

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