In this assignment, you will write a 3-5 page Popular Culture Analysis Paper with a cover page and reference page that are not included in the page count, analyzing how either of the following tie into the hit TV show, The Office (can be viewed on Netflix):
• Mason’s Theory of Workplace Participatory Democracy OR
• any 2-3 other organizational theories learned throughout the course

Review the assignment Rubric

Review the credible source guidelines.

Submit your assignment below.

APA format and Turnitin requirement of 25% maximum originality report

If you choose to do your paper referencing Mason’s Theory, you may use the following resources, along with any other resource you may find on your own:

Abstract (Links to an external site.) (linked) from Mason’s published paper

Mason’s theory of workplace democracy (PowerPoint Overview; PDF)

Workplace Democratic Practices and Industrial Relations (PDF

American Political Science Review – Participatory and Workplace Democracy (PDF)


Citations for this document:

Goldstein, R. (1983). Participatory and Workplace Democracy: A Theoretical Development in Critique of Liberalism. By Ronald M. Mason. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. Pp. ix 248. $24.00.). American Political Science Review, 77(1), 272-273. doi:10.2307/1956105