Why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand present Austria with a survival threat

Prompt: Why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand present Austria with a survival threat?

It has to be 7 pages long

•Double spacing,

•Please use 12pt Times New Roman or Helvetica. Monospaced typeface such as Courier isnot allowed,

•1 inch margins,

•No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header (you only need to include titleof the prompt that you are responding to in the title/header),

•No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.Include a bibliography page at the end of your paper,

•Include in-text citations throughout the paper

No one outside resources

Requirements: MLA | Other | 7 pages


Answer preview to why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand present Austria with a survival threat

Why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand present Austria with a survival threat


1957 words


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