Health risks of genetically modified foods

Annotated Bibliography

Dona, Artemis and Ioannis, S. Arvanitoyannis. Health risks of genetically modified foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 49.2 (2009): 64-175.

In the article, the authors questioned the safety of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and foods after the introduction of the new phenomenon almost 20 years ago. The introduction of the GMOs has never been subjected to numerous safety tests as required for every food product. The authors draw examples of how Europe have made progress in issuing guidelines for GMO testing (Dona and Ioannis 164). There is a high probability that GMO products can cause pleiotropic and insertional effects on human health, as well as, adverse impact on animals (165). The allergic effect and gastrointestinal problems can result from GMO products. The authors question the ethics of using GMO as a complimentary source of diet (172). The article concludes by implying the importance of further studies on the safety of GMO foods.

The authors’ research is unreliable considering that GMO products are now a source of food for both human and animals. Many countries have set up safety standards for GMO products, therefore, creating confidence among consumers. Through GMO technology, countries have become self-sufficient in terms of food production. The European perspective on GMOs is not comprehensive and does not address fundamental ethical issues. For example, the legitimacy issue of commercializing GMOs is a universally accepted concept for any food production technology. The authors concern about diseases caused by GMO are hypothetical and not ascertained through evidence-based studies. At the moment, the probability of health issues is based on experiments conducted on animals but not humans. It is agreeable that further studies on GMO safety in relations to human health is necessary.


Work Cited

Dona, Artemis and Ioannis, S. Arvanitoyannis. Health risks of genetically modified foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 49.2 (2009): 64-175.




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